Don’t you wish you could spend less time searching, and more time getting results? Well now you can! Hashtag Collections are an easy way to save groups of hashtags to use in your social posts, no matter where you are. You've done the hard work by searching for your perfect hashtags, and now that you've got them, you don't want to lose them!
This smart guide will highlight everything you can do with your Collections, and some handy ideas you might want to consider when creating your own Collections.
What Can You Do From Your Collection?
Think of your collections as folders containing all your important documents! No need to save your hashtags into a notepad document any longer, Collections will keep you organized and allow you to copy your hashtags to your scheduled post with one click!
Import Hashtags
Import existing hashtag lists (from anywhere) into Hashtag Collections or create your first collection using Flick’s Hashtag Search.
Organize & Optimize Hashtags
Build a library of options, experiment with different variations and re-use top-performing groups.
Randomize Selection
Pressed for time? Not to worry! The Randomizer is a handy tool that can select either 10 or 30 random hashtags at the click of a button.
There are limitless possibilities when it comes to organizing your hashtags, however, we would suggest creating a variety of different hashtag groups using inspiration from some of Flick's top users!
Posting Simplified
Now that you've got your hashtags organized, they're available whenever you need them! Whether this is on your desktop or your mobile, you'll be able to access your hashtags anytime and anywhere.
If you’re scheduling posts from your laptop, you can easily copy hashtags from your collections via the Flick desktop app.
If you’re looking to access your hashtags whilst on the move, you can copy hashtag collections via the Flick mobile app.